Due to the partnership with Community Music Center Inc. and Portland Parks & Recreation, several privacy policies may apply. Policies may change at any time.
Note: contact information corrections made at PP&R sites other than CMC are not communicated to CMC Inc., so conflicting information may result. Always notify CMC directly if your contact information has changed.
- Community Music Center, Inc.
CMC inc. does not share it's mailing list with any third party other than listed below. Individuals' donation information is not shared with any third party other than Z2 Systems or as provided for by local, state or federal laws. - NEON CRM
NEON is a third-party contact management provider for CMC Inc. Their policies apply to information transmitted on any any page on this site that lists "Powered by NEON" on the page. - PortlandParks.org
City of Portland privacy policies applies to users of Portland Parks and Recreation web site and class registration system.