Josephine Pope passed away in October. She was an avid volunteer with PP&R and CMC (serving on CMC Inc.'s board), as well as a CMC grandparent.
Ellen Pullen was on the CMC Board, and also volunteered for the Oregon Symphony. She had worked as a licensed tax preparer, often pro bono for low-income clients.
Dr. Wilma Sheridan, was Dean of Porltand State University's School of Fine and Performing Arts and was a CMC Board member. The family has suggested charities such as CMC for remembrances.
Shannon Wick was a CMC alum (student of Micheal Foxman) and also a PYP alum. She was a talented singer as well as violinist. We are grateful to the family for suggesting CMC as a recipient of remembrances.
We have been updating this list from what was originally published in the printed CMC Note and in our eNotes. If you have a name of someone related to CMC you'd like us to include on this list, please email or call Gregory Dubay at or 503-894-0661.
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